EarthQuaker Devices Spatial Delivery V2 Envelope Filter Pedal
What’s up BUD! Welcome to your brand new Spatial delivery! The spatial delivery is an oddball, a voltage controlled envelope filter that allows you to step Outside the universe of funk while reinforcing your secret love affair with auto-wah. It has 3 modes- up sweep, down sweep and sample and hold. With range, resonance and filter controls you can get super emphasized filter sweeps in the up and down modes. The range, in combination with pick attack, controls the sensitivity and reaction time of the envelope and thus the width of the frequency sweep. The higher the range and harder the attack equals a faster reaction time and higher frequency sweep and vice versa. Reign in the controls a bit, add your favorite overdrive/fuzz after the spatial delivery and you’ve got a real nice resonant, cut-through-the-mix lead tone.
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