Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Electric Mistress XO Guitar Flange Effect Pedal
You\'ve heard it on countless records. It\'s the Deluxe Electric Mistress, from electro-harmonix - and now it\'s back! This classic analog flanger pedal is essential kit for electric guitarists, but it\'s also magic on keys, bass, and just about anything else you put through it. Its array of carefully notched and tuned filters smoothly sweeps the sonic spectrum, for a shimmering, otherworldly sound that no other pedal can match. Filter Matrix mode disengages the automatic sweep, allowing manual positioning of the filter bank for chimey, metallic tones and other way-cool effects. Put a Deluxe Electric Mistress on your pedalboard and prepare to be dazzled: this is the holy grail of flangers.
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